Certificate awarded
Bachelor's degree
Islamic studies
Program outcomes
Knowledge and understanding of Sharia sciences, origins and branches. The ability to apply and understand the knowledge gained from Sharia sciences to solve the problems of individuals and society, personal and social, in Sharia ways. Builds legal rulings in various areas of life. He explains the religious texts in the Islamic world, and explains the legal rulings they contain.
Program objectives
Keeping pace with the educational structure by absorbing graduates of literary secondary schools. Preparing graduates with competence and qualified scientific ability in the field of Islamic studies. Calling for unity and solidarity to build a cohesive society, and rejecting aspects that lead to division and disagreement. Introducing and familiarizing yourself with Islamic law, and the flexibility and simplicity of its provisions, which makes it valid for all times and places. Filling the void among young people so that they are not easy prey to be exploited by the enemies of Islam and Muslims. Developing students’ skills according to the needs of scientific life. Accustoming students to continuous self-learning and teamwork. Students acquire the ethics of scientific research
Job Market
Providing a distinguished educational environment capable of improving society. To teach Islamic studies and religious sciences, and to pioneer research and teaching. The department is distinguished by graduating qualified cadres: in science and research, and preparing distinguished competencies in Islamic studies by giving in the field of thought, work and scientific research in accordance with quality standards, and contributing to community service to preserve original values, consolidate patriotism, and preserve the identity of the Islamic nation
The Department of Islamic Studies is one of the departments that make up the College of Arts and Sciences at Badr. At the beginning of its founding in the academic year 2006 AD - 2007 AD, the Department of Arabic Language was an existing department under the name of the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies. After that, the two departments were separated and each of them became an independent department, and it became The department is called the Department of Islamic Studies, and the department is one of the college's most student-dense departments, and there is a great demand to enroll in this department. Islamic studies are the lifeline and the strong fortress that preserves and builds its being, and charts the path of goodness and happiness for those who are guided by the guidance of the noble Islamic Sharia and live under it, and since the Holy Qur’an is our Sharia, this requires studying its sciences with a specialized study that leads to preserving the entity and character of the Islamic society, and elevating it from Sliding into fanaticism, extremism, and extremism, and this requires knowledge of the provisions and approach of Sharia law and its objectives in order to ward off evil and bring about interests, thus achieving the interests of the individual and society.
Program content
8 Terms
General credits
Elective credits
Compulsory credits
Total credits
Subject code | Subject name | Credits | Subject type | Subject prerequisites |
IS111 | Al-Othaidah Al-Islamiyya A | 2 | Compulsory | - |
This course explains the following 1.Providing the student with basic knowledge of the Islamic faith. 2- The student’s knowledge of the transmissional and rational evidence in the Islamic faith. 3- The student understands the evidence and proof of God’s existence through innate and rational evidence. 4- Enabling the student to obtain certain knowledge of the facts on which the integrity of the faith depends. 5-The student’s knowledge of the divine attributes. |
IS112 | History of legislation A | 3 | Compulsory | - |
This course explains the following 1.Providing the student with basic knowledge of the history of legislation. 2- The student’s knowledge of the historical roles of Islamic legislation. 3- The student understands the stages of legislation from the era of the Prophet until now. 4- Enabling the student to obtain certain knowledge of the facts on which Islamic legislation depends. 5- The student’s knowledge of legislation in the life of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Quranic legislation. |
ISIMH120 | History of Islamic civilization | 2 | Supportive | - |
This course explains the following 1. Introducing the student to the social, political, religious and economic life before Islam and the conditions of the Persians and the conditions of the Romans. 2- The student’s knowledge of Islamic civilization, its origins, development, and the foundations upon which this civilization is built, from the religious aspect, the Holy Qur’an, from the social aspect of ethics, and from the economic aspect, trips, etc. 3- Providing the student with the origins of Islamic sciences, the principles of Sharia law, the Holy Qur’an, its collection and interpretation, and the books of Hadith and Sunnah. 4- The student understands the stages that Islamic civilization passed through from the beginning of Islam to the Umayyad state and the Abbasid state. |
AR106 | Arabic library | 2 | Supportive | - |
This course explains the following 1. Providing the student with basic knowledge in the field of the Arabic library. 2- Training the student on how to research books and how to deal with books. 3- The student’s knowledge of the emergence of the most famous libraries in the Arab and Islamic world. 4- Enabling the student to differentiate between Islamic science books. 5- Knowing the most famous books that collected the main books of Hadith, the biography of the Prophet, jurisprudence, interpretation, and others. |
AR103 | Grammatical and morphological studies | 2 | Supportive | - |
1- In this course, the student learns about the nature of grammar and its importance, and the most prominent topics of this science such as the parts of the word, the definition of speech, the parts of the verb, the noun, the indefinite article, the nominal and verbal sentences, the subject, the predicate, and the annifiers. 2- Providing the student with knowledge of the importance of morphology, its creator, definition, morphological scale, and morphological weights. |
AR104 | Rhetorical studies | 2 | Supportive | - |
1- In this course, the student studies the definition of rhetoric and eloquence, the importance of this science and its role in speech. Then he learns about some of its topics, such as the conditions of eloquence and eloquence, the predicate, the predicate, simile, metaphor, and metonymy. 2- The student will have an idea about appreciating the literary text through applied study on some texts in poetry and prose. |
EN103 | English A | 2 | General | - |
The student is able to use the basics of the English language, such as nouns, their types, verbs, and their conjugation, in understanding simple sentences of all kinds and understanding gramma |
IS121 | Islamic faith b | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of the Islamic faith. 2- The student’s knowledge of the rational and scientific evidence and evidence in the Islamic faith. 3- The student’s understanding of hidden matters and their meaning. 4- Enabling the student to obtain certain knowledge of the facts on which the integrity of the faith depends. 5- The student’s knowledge of the characteristics and nature of angels. |
IS122 | History of legislation b | 3 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of the history of legislation. 2- The student’s knowledge of the historical roles of Islamic legislation. 3- The student understands the stages of legislation from the second century to the fourth century. 4- Enabling the student to obtain certain knowledge of the facts on which Islamic legislation depends. 5- The student’s knowledge of legislation in the era of diligent imams. |
IS123 | Provisions of recitation A | 3 | Compulsory | - |
Providing students with the correct reading of the Book of God and mastering its provisions. 2- Focus on correct pronunciation when reading. 3- Enabling the student to apply the rulings and use them as necessary while reading. 4- Taking a surah in the applied field of Tajweed rulings. 5- Taking advantage of memorizing the Surah to use it as a field for implementing rulings. 6- Enabling the student to apply the provisions of Tajweed to Qur’anic verses. |
HI327 | History of Libya | 2 | Supportive | - |
Introducing the student to the history of Libya in the ancient, modern and contemporary eras, the cultural aspects of Libya, knowledge of the Spanish occupation and the Knights of Saint John of Tripoli, popular reactions and resistance to Spanish and Italian colonialism, the Ottoman rule of Libya, the role of the Libyan Navy in the Mediterranean, highlighting Libya’s political and economic role, and its importance in communication. Between the continents of Europe and Africa, emphasizing the internal challenges and external dangers it faced and how to deal with them, and clarifying the impact of international policy developments on Libya. |
EN210 | English language b. | 2 | General | - |
This course is concerned with providing students with many knowledge and skills related to their field of specialization to enable them to use the language for scientific purposes, as it covers many topics and terminology related to their specialization and gives students opportunities for successful interaction and communication in the English language, and provides an idea of the basic principles and generalizations so that they are proficient in using the rules of the language and writing. And understand the basic components of sentence construction and the use of conversational language, and train them on the various methods and mechanisms in critical and interactive reading in the English language related to his field of specialization. |
NC104 | National culture | 2 | General | - |
The national culture course deals with the study of several important topics in civil culture, political and social upbringing, the relationship of civil culture with education, the concept of patriotism and national belonging, the foundations of building civil society, the history and culture of Libyan society, and the study of the subject of human rights and issues related to cultural and societal security. From these, the student acquires skills, values, and behaviors that he can Through it, he understands what is required of him as a good citizen who loves his country, is proud of belonging to it, respects and adheres to its systems and institutions, how to preserve the unity of the country, its customs and traditions, address its social, economic, political and cultural problems, and learn about his rights and duties towards his society. |
PS110 | Introduction to psychology | 2 | General | - |
This course provides an overview of the principles of psychology and a historical overview of the development of this science and defining its subject, theoretical and applied trends, modern and contemporary schools, in addition to its curricula and research methods. It studies the nervous system and human behavior. This course is concerned with studying emotional and subconscious motivations, emotions, sensory perception, learning and its types, and memory. Language, thinking, individual differences and their measurement. It gives the student an idea about intelligence, its measurement and its relationship to the social environment. It seeks to provide the student with information about themselves and about human behavior in general. |
IS213 | Provisions of recitation b | 3 | Compulsory | IS123 |
1- Providing students with the correct reading of the Book of God and mastering its provisions. 2- Focus on correct pronunciation when reading. 3- Enabling the student to apply the rulings and use them as necessary while reading. 4- Taking a surah in the applied field of Tajweed rulings. 5- Taking advantage of memorizing the Surah to use it as a field for implementing rulings. 6- Enabling the student to apply the provisions of Tajweed to Qur’anic verses. |
IS214 | Personal status a | 2 | Compulsory | - |
Providing the student with basic knowledge of personal status. 2- The student’s knowledge of the legal rulings that govern issues of permissibility and divorce. 3- The student understands the legal evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah regarding personal status. 4- Enabling the student to obtain certain knowledge of the facts on which the integrity of personal status depends. 5- The student’s knowledge of the opinions of jurists and their jurisprudence and weighing between them as much as possible. |
IS215 | Quranic interpretation a | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of Quranic interpretation. 2- The student’s knowledge of the transmissional and rational evidence in Qur’anic interpretation. 3- The student understands how to interpret and interpreters. 4- Enabling the student to obtain certain knowledge of the facts on which the course of Qur’anic interpretation depends. 5-The student knows the difference between interpretation and interpretation. |
IS216 | Terminology of converstaion | 3 | Compulsory | - |
Providing the student with basic knowledge of hadith terminology. 2- The student knows the difference between the terms Sunnah, Hadith, Athar, and others. 3- The student’s understanding and knowledge of the Prophet’s Hadith and the Holy Hadith. 4- Enabling the student to acquire knowledge of hadith terminology and its meanings. 5- The student’s knowledge of the linguistic, parsing, rhetorical and jurisprudential aspects in order to apply some terms of hadith science to them. |
IS217 | Sciences of the Qur’an A | 3 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge in the field of Qur’anic sciences A. 2- The student’s knowledge of the approach of the Companions and Followers - may God be pleased with them. 3- The student understands the Quranic words and determines their meanings. 4- Enabling the student to obtain certain knowledge of the facts on which the integrity of the faith depends. 5- The student’s knowledge of interpretation methods and the characteristics of each method. |
IS218 | Jurisprudence of transactions A | 2 | Compulsory | - |
Providing the student with correct transaction rulings. 2- Focus on jurisprudence and understanding the transactions circulating between people in the correct manner. 3- Enabling the student to apply the jurisprudence of transactions and employ it as necessary. 4- Taking the pillars in the applied field of sales jurisprudence. 5- Exploiting the applied aspect to apply it to the rulings of transactions. 6- Enabling the student to apply the provisions of transactions according to the Islamic law. |
CS310 | the computer. | 2 | General | - |
This course aims to develop the skills of using the computer and dealing with its physical components, developing practical abilities to solve problems dealing with storage media, the operating system and programming, knowing the stages of computer development, its technologies and its future, the types and features of computers, the physical components of the computer and its accessories and functions, programs, methods of data representation and coding and the concept of... Viruses, tools and methods of protection from them, concepts and applications of artificial intelligence, concepts of information technology and information security, negative and positive effects of the use of information technology in the areas of life, and legal, humanitarian, health, environmental, legal and ethical issues and issues related to computer uses in society (privacy, intellectual rights, justice in access to sources). |
IS221 | Sciences of the Qur’an b | 3 | Compulsory | IS217 |
Providing the student with basic knowledge in the field of Qur’anic sciences b. 2- The student’s knowledge of the meaning of interpretation and interpretation and the difference between them. 3- The student understands the Quranic words and determines their meanings. 4- Enabling the student to obtain certain knowledge of the facts and features of the Quranic miracle. 5- The student’s knowledge of interpretation methods and the characteristics of each method. |
IS222 | 2 | Compulsory | IS215 | |
IS223 | Personal status b | 2 | Compulsory | IS214 |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of personal status. 2- The student’s knowledge of the legal rulings that govern issues of permissibility and divorce. 3- The student understands the legal evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah regarding personal status. 4- Enabling the student to obtain certain knowledge of the facts on which the integrity of personal status depends. 5- The student’s knowledge of the opinions of jurists and their jurisprudence and weighing between them as much as possible. |
IS224 | Principles of public speaking | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of public speaking and its methods. 2- The student’s knowledge of the importance of the principles of rhetoric in Islamic sciences. 3- Providing students with an understanding of some concepts such as (lecture, sermon, ordinary conversation). 4- Enabling the student to know the use of rational inferences in the concepts of the principles of rhetoric. |
IS225 | Science of readings | 3 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of reading science. 2- The student’s knowledge of the importance of reading science. 3- Providing students with an understanding and learning of the texts of the virtues of the Qur’an. 4- Enabling the student to know the most important jurisprudential rulings related to the Holy Qur’an. |
IS226 | Jurisprudence of transactions b | 2 | Compulsory | IS218 |
1- Providing the student with the correct rulings on transactions. 2- Focus on jurisprudence and understanding the transactions circulating between people in the correct manner. 3- Enabling the student to apply the jurisprudence of transactions and employ it as necessary. 4- Taking the pillars in the applied field of sales jurisprudence. 5- Exploiting the applied aspect to apply it to the rulings of transactions. 6- Enabling the student to apply the provisions of transactions according to the Islamic law. |
IS227 | Search methods | 2 | Supportive | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of research methodology. 2- The student’s knowledge of the importance of research in Islamic sciences. 3- Training students on how to prepare research in Islamic studies. 4- Enabling the student to know the methods and methods used in writing research. |
IS311 | Wills and inheritances a | 3 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of the wills and inheritance curriculum. 2- The student’s knowledge of the importance of wills and inheritance according to Islamic law. 3- Providing students with an understanding of the legal provisions related to the division of estates according to what is stipulated in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. 4- Enabling the student to employ this approach in practical life to gain insight into the provisions of Islam. |
IS312 | Provisions of worship a | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- Students’ knowledge of the provisions of worship required by the Qur’an and Sunnah. 2- Enabling students to implement acts of worship in the correct manner according to which the majority of scholars do. 3- Knowing the conditions for obligatory acts of worship, such as purity, prayer, zakat, fasting, and Hajj. 4- The form in which acts of worship are performed according to what is stated in the Qur’an and Sunnah. |
IS313 | Maliki jurisprudence A | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- The student’s knowledge of the concept of Maliki jurisprudence, its definition, and its characteristics. 2- Knowing the origins of Maliki jurisprudence and its founder. 3- Introducing his most prominent figures and their writings. |
IS314 | Principles of jurisprudence A | 3 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence curriculum. 2- The student’s knowledge of the importance of the principles of jurisprudence in Islamic sciences. 3- Providing students with an understanding of translational texts. 4- Enabling the student to know the use of rational inferences in the concepts of the principles of jurisprudence. |
IS315 | Jurisprudence of transactions c | 2 | Compulsory | IS226 |
1- Providing the student with the correct rulings on transactions. 2- Focus on jurisprudence and understanding the transactions circulating between people in the correct manner. 3- Enabling the student to apply the jurisprudence of transactions and employ it as necessary. 4- Taking the pillars in the applied field of sales jurisprudence. 5- Exploiting the applied aspect to apply it to the provisions of financial transactions. 6- Enabling the student to apply the provisions of transactions according to Islamic law in buying and selling. |
IS316 | The eloquence and miracle of the Qur’an | 3 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing students with the features of miraculous Quranic eloquence. 2- Focusing on the immortality of the miracle of the Qur’an from a graphic standpoint. 3- Enabling the student to extract words, systems, graphic images, and rhythmic performance. 4- Employing rhetorical methods in the applied field of the Qur’anic aspect. 5- Exploiting the Qur’anic aspect to apply rhetorical methods. 6- Enabling the student to apply rhetorical rules to Quranic verses. |
IS321 | Wills and inheritances b | 3 | Compulsory | IS311 |
1- Providing students with the rules of wills and inheritance. 2- Focus on dividing the estate according to what is stipulated in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. 3- Enabling the student to extract the rights of the heirs in accordance with the provisions of wills and inheritance. 4- Employing the rulings and rules in the applied field of practical life. 5- Exploiting and transmitting the opinions of the Companions’ scholars and jurists to implement rulings. 6- Enabling the student to apply partial rules to new inheritances. |
IS322 | Studies per year | 3 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of the year’s studies curriculum. 2- The student’s knowledge of the importance of studies in the Sunnah in Islamic law. 3- Providing students with an understanding of the hadith and its parts. 4- Enabling the student to know the Sunnah in terms of its place in Islamic legislation. |
IS323 | Principles of jurisprudence b | 3 | Compulsory | IS314 |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence curriculum. 2- The student’s knowledge of the importance of the principles of jurisprudence in Islamic sciences. 3- Providing students with an understanding of translational texts. 4- Enabling the student to know the use of rational inferences in the concepts of the principles of jurisprudence. |
IS324 | Asceticism and morality | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with an introduction to the true approach of asceticism and Sufism in Islam. 2- Enabling the student to differentiate between asceticism, true Sufism, and superstitious Sufism. 3- Knowledge of the most prominent figures of asceticism and Sufism and their respected works, ancient and modern. 4- Explaining the role of men of asceticism and Sufism in the scientific, jihadist and educational renaissance of Islam. |
IS327 | Rulings of worship b | 2 | Compulsory | IS312 |
1- Students’ knowledge of the provisions of worship required by the Qur’an and Sunnah. 2- Enabling students to implement acts of worship in the correct manner according to which the majority of scholars do. 3- Knowing the conditions for obligatory acts of worship, such as purity, prayer, zakat, fasting, and Hajj. 4- The form in which acts of worship are performed according to what is stated in the Qur’an and Sunnah. |
IS411 | Jurisprudence of the Book (interpretation of verses of rulings) | 3 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing students with the provisions of the jurisprudence of the book. 2- Focus on interpreting the verses of rulings. 3- Enabling the student to extract rulings from Quranic verses. 4- Employing Qur’anic verses in the revealed aspect of rulings. 5- Exploiting the discretionary aspect to apply rulings to them. 6- Enabling the student to apply partial rulings to Quranic verses. |
IS412 | Maliki jurisprudence c | 2 | Compulsory | IS3326 |
1- Providing the student with the study of some jurisprudential issues from the opinions of the Maliki school of thought. 2- It enables the student to apply weighting in some controversial issues between sects and give preference to one of them and what is the evidence on which the student relied in his weighting. 3- Study the common links between the four famous schools of thought in terms of time and space. |
IS413 | Islamic thought | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing students with topics of Islamic thought. 2- Focus on topics of a philosophical nature. 3- Enabling the student to extract fundamental issues in human thinking. 4- Employing the historical aspect in the field of Islamic thought. 5- Exploiting the historical aspect to apply ideas. 6- Enabling the student to apply philosophical ideas to Islamic thought. |
IS414 | Provisions of worship c | 2 | Compulsory | IS327 |
1- Students’ knowledge of the provisions of worship required by the Qur’an and Sunnah. 2- Enabling students to implement acts of worship in the correct manner according to which the majority of scholars do. 3- Knowing the conditions for obligatory acts of worship, such as purity, prayer, zakat, fasting, and Hajj. 4- The form in which acts of worship are performed according to what is stated in the Qur’an and Sunnah. |
IS415 | Principles of jurisprudence c | 3 | Compulsory | IS323 |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence curriculum. 2- The student’s knowledge of the importance of the principles of jurisprudence in Islamic sciences. 3- Providing students with an understanding of translational texts. 4- Enabling the student to know the use of rational inferences in the concepts of the principles of jurisprudence. |
IS416 | Biography of the Prophet A | 3 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing students with the stages of the Prophet’s biography. 2- Focus on the events and lessons in the Prophet’s biography. 3- Enabling the student to extract lessons learned from the Prophet’s biography. 4- Employing positions and lessons in the historical aspect. 5- Exploiting the historical aspect to apply positions and lessons. 6- Enabling the student to apply situations and lessons to the stages of the Prophet’s biography. |
IS417 | Orientalism | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing students with the Orientalist phenomenon. 2- Focus on Orientalist psychology. 3- Enabling the student to extract Orientalist trends. 4- Employing ideology in the Orientalist aspect. 5- Exploiting the Orientalist aspect to apply psychological ideology. 6- Enabling the student to apply psychological ideology to the Orientalist side. |
IS421 | Borders and felonies | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of the punishments and crimes curriculum. 2- The student knows the importance of punishments in Islam. 3- Providing students with an understanding of the philosophy of punishment in Islam. 4- Enabling the student to know the use of inferences, evidence and legal rulings. |
IS422 | Contemporary jurisprudential issues (jurisprudence of calamities) | 3 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with jurisprudential knowledge of contemporary issues. 2- The student’s knowledge of the importance of contemporary issues in Islamic sciences. 3- Providing students with an understanding of contemporary issues. 4- Enabling the student to know the legal sayings, fatwas, and opinions on each of the contemporary issues that did not exist at the beginning of Islam, and to give weight to the opinions. |
IS423 | Rulings of worship d | 2 | Compulsory | IS414 |
1- Students’ knowledge of the provisions of worship required by the Qur’an and Sunnah. 2- Enabling students to implement acts of worship in the correct manner according to which the majority of scholars do. 3- Knowing the conditions for obligatory acts of worship, such as purity, prayer, zakat, fasting, and Hajj. 4- The form in which acts of worship are performed according to what is stated in the Qur’an and Sunnah. |
IS424 | Cases and certificates | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing students with court rulings and certificates. 2- Focus on ways to prove the truth. 3- Enabling the student to extract court rulings and certificates. 4- Employing lawsuits in the descending aspect of rulings. 5- Exploiting testimonies to apply judgments to them. 6- Enabling the student to apply partial rulings to lawsuits. |
IS425 | Biography of the Prophet b | 3 | Compulsory | IS416 |
1- Providing students with the stages of the Prophet’s biography. 2- Focus on the events and lessons in the Prophet’s biography. 3- Enabling the student to extract lessons learned from the Prophet’s biography. 4- Employing positions and lessons in the historical aspect. 5- Exploiting the historical aspect to apply positions and lessons. 6- Enabling the student to apply situations and lessons to the stages of the Prophet’s biography. |
IS426 | religion comparison | 2 | Supportive | - |
1- Providing students with knowledge of other religions. 2- Focus on religious issues. 3- Enabling the student to know the heavenly religions. 4- Employing religious issues in the theoretical aspect. 5- Exploiting the theoretical aspect to employ religious issues. 6- Enabling the student to apply the theoretical aspect to religious issues. |
IS325 | Purposes of the law | 2 | Compulsory | - |
1- Providing the student with basic knowledge of the Maqasid al-Sharia curriculum. 2- The student’s knowledge of the importance of objectives in Islamic sciences. 3- Providing students with an understanding of translational and mental texts. 4- Enabling the student to know the use of rational inferences in the concepts of the objectives of Sharia. |
IS3326 | Maliki jurisprudence b | 2 | Compulsory | IS313 |
1- Enabling the student to differentiate between the Maliki school of thought and other schools of thought. 2- The student’s knowledge of the Maliki school of thought and the possibility of its spread in the Islamic world. 3- Focus on Maliki jurisprudence in Libya, how it spread, and its most prominent jurists there. |